This morning, I went to meeting at school about Sammy. This isn’t the first such meeting, and it won’t
be the last, so I know how things work.
But, me being me, I always get at least a little nervous that I’ll be
blindsided with something and I’ll end up in tears (it’s happened before).
End of story first: that didn’t happen. Far from it.
In fact, I dare say this is the best meeting I’ve ever had about my
son. Everything was about how well he’s
doing this year – improved attention, more engagement, better socializing,
amped-up confidence, new skills demonstrated.
It was fantastic. When the
routine question about behavior problems was asked, everyone in the room said
there were none. Yes, he still has
challenges. Yes, he’s quirky, hard to
focus, and sometimes overly enthusiastic to the point of loud. But they understand him better and they
understand how to work with him better.
They have been learned, and consequently, he has been learning. I mean, they showed me how he voluntarily
took notes on a video (he wasn’t told to do so) using complete sentences and
proper punctuation. Man. Wow.
It’s clear his teacher is a much better fit for him. She told me straight out that his issues and idiosyncrasies
don’t bother her and that she thinks he is a smart, eager to learn little boy. This is so different from his teacher last
year would list his non-normal habits and behaviors as if ticking off items in
her garbage can. It didn’t realize how bad
that made me feel, both for Sammy and as his mom, until I didn’t hear that kind
of thing anymore. I can finally exhale.
I know we all have a long road to go, but we can see where
we’re headed for the first time. I’m
sure the course will change and we’ll get lost along the way, but we’re moving
forward, and that feels amazing.
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