Well, it appears I fell off the face of the earth. Yes, that’s exactly what happened. Zero
gravity is awesome.
But I suppose I should blow the dust off the furniture
around here. After all, I never finished my stories about our summer family
vacation, or talked about the beginning of school, and now Halloween is in the
review mirror and we are rapidly screaming down the road to Thanksgiving
(hosting the in-laws for the 3rd year in a row, yikes!) and
Christmas (good gravy, Sabrina’s list is longer than she is tall, and that’s
single spaced, 8 point font). I probably
have some material is what I’m saying.
I’m not completely committing to NoNoHoBo or whatever it is
that means I’ll write every day this month, but I’ll give it my best shot to be
more present. And if I’m not, look for me under Sabrina’s Christmas list, which
will have crushed me to death.
Kalena and Sabrina must be conspiring because Kalena also wants All The Things.