Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I always hoped that writing in this here space might allow me to build some new friendships inside the computer, but I didn’t realize how lucky I’d get, because not only has that wish started to come true, but those friendships have rolled right on into real life. And for someone who is most patently introverted, this is a blessing. I get the chance to talk with people and get to know them a little bit before having to stand in all my 3-dimensional actuality and inevitably make a fool of myself. But by then, those folks are already invested and less likely to run screaming right off the bat. I’ll put that in the win column.

Today I got to spend time with one of those people I had the good fortune to meet through the wonders of the web. (OK, so we actually met in person first, if you’re being picky. But it was at an event to which we were both invited by another internet friend we were each meeting for the first time, so I’m calling it one for the nets.) Erica and her kids came over for a play date. Never mind that the kids had never met before and might not hit it off, since this was really a play date for the moms, if you get right down to it. But there needn’t have been a moment of worry because Sabrina and Maddie did indeed hit it off, and they had a glorious time destroying the house while I tried desperately not to squish Sam (hers, not mine, who unfortunately was at school) with cuddles and hugs. They even brought us a deliciously decadent treat they called Easter Crack, and y’all, that name is completely accurate. That’s some good stuff right there.

I successfully recreated The Sandwich for us for lunch, which made me all kinds of proud, seeing as I a) didn’t burn it, b) it didn’t fall apart, and c) I threw in enough brie to make a Frenchman weep with joy. Sabrina thoroughly enjoyed playing games on Erica’s smart phone, and I may now be on the hook to get a 3 year old a cell phone. (I’m pretty sure Erica got a little thrill out of sharing her special brand of child corruption.) But when Master Sam needed a nap and they had to go, I don’t think any of us wanted the afternoon to end. Sabrina has chattered about her New Friend Maddie for the past several hours nonstop, and Sammy is a little bit heartbroken that he didn’t get to meet them, so we have to do it again in the very near future. How soon is too soon? Whatcha doing tomorrow?

To me, making friends is something akin to rolling boulders up hills. It takes a lot of effort, but I’m getting better at it, bit by bit, I hope. I’m so glad Erica took me up on my invitation to come to our house of crazy, and even more grateful that she’d even consider coming back. Maybe I’m not so bad at making friends after all. I sure can pick some good ones.

I'm pretty sure you're looking at the next Bonnie & Clyde, if they were 2 chicks.


  1. I must come over and have you make that sandwich for me :)

    Love you two ladies!

  2. Aw, this is the nicest post. The whole way home Maddie begged and begged to turn around and go back to Sabrina. There may have been tears involved. I'm not going to say.

    We had a great time and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I was worried I was weird or my kids were weird and you'd regretted inviting us : )

    (Also, I love that my kid is clutching her gingerbread in the picture. She's had two more pieces since we got home.)

  3. I think I've got this Sandwich thing down. Come on over and I'll rustle 'em up!

    We enjoyed the heck outta today. Please come back soon. If anything, we were the weird ones. Or maybe our weirdnesses canceled each other's out? Or complemented each other? I don't know, but it was loads of fun for sure.

    Also, you're welcome that I didn't put any sugar in that gingerbread.
