Sunday, December 6, 2009

20 Plus 2

Dear Sabrina,

Allow me to apologize right off the bat for this being a little bit late. It won’t be the last time (you see, you keep me pretty busy, what with all the things you just have to touch these days), but I’ll do my best to get close. One thing you should know about your mom is that I hate being late. That does not seem to bother your father. Which is why I tell him our arrival times are 15 minutes earlier than they actually are. This will be useful when you have a husband.

My dear, you are astounding. No one can believe you are only 20 months old. Everyone guess you are well into being 2, not 4 months shy of it. I tell them that, yes, most of the time I can’t believe it has only been 20 months since you first popped those dimples (and Screamed with a capital S) at me, but that sometimes it feel more like how can it only be 20 months unless time is moving like molasses (somebody get me a cocktail).

Your curiosity knows no bounds. You have to check everything out, at least 14 times, or more if it’s one of the many things I tell you not to touch. The telephone is a particular favorite, as you have figured out where the find-the-receiver button is and can make it ring, sending everyone in the house scrambling to answer your ghost calls. This is hilarious to you, but is giving your grandma an eye twitch. But I will say this, at the risk of it changing before I hit publish – you have very little interest in the Christmas tree. You barely even noticed it until we started putting the ornaments on, and then only because Lightning McQueen, Dora, and Thomas are all hanging from its branches. Please note that when you do get handsy with the greenery, the sofa will be shoved in front of it so fast, you’ll think we’ve had an earthquake.

You have shown us how much you’re learning, or rather told us. You talk all the time, and several times a day, I’m surprised at the things that come out of your mouth. Thankfully, the one time I thought it might be an, um, unpleasant word, you were just talking about ships. Whew. Suddenly you can associate things and remember things from days ago. You pick up everything you hear. You’ve got the Santa thing down, and you are so ready for the big day. You adore playing ring around the rosy and can sing the entire song (please don’t ask me what it means). It’s amazing to watch the wheels in your head spin.

I could do without the No No Nos and the Waaaaiiiitttttts! Though.

But I love that you pose for the camera with a hammy Cheeeeese now. I look forward to many endearingly goofy photos in the future that you will absolutely hate when you’re a teenager.

This is going to be an amazing month – amazingly busy, amazingly full, and yes, amazingly fun. I’m excited to share it all with you, and to check back after it’s all over and see what you’ve done. Happy Holidays.




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