Thursday, August 12, 2010

How Low the Mighty Have Fallen

We spent yesterday afternoon at my grandmother’s house, swimming at her neighborhood pool and eating fast food. My naturally and extremely curious children went poking around in all sorts of nooks and crannies (thankfully not destroying anything – this time), when Sabrina noticed a drawing of Jesus on the desk. My mom asked her who it was. Her response: “Cody.” Now, I’ll grant you, my sister’s husband does have some facial hair, but the similarity ends there, and that’s a stretch at best. We all immediately decided that Uncle Cody need never hear of this incident lest his already well-inflated ego explode like the Hindenburg.

This morning, while I took Sammy to a doctor’s appointment, my folks watched Sabrina (a considerable effort considering she packs enough 2 year old energy to power a large metropolitan area). Grandma started quizzing her on who was a girl and who was a boy in our family when she asked, “and what is Cody?” Today’s response: “a pig.”

Some would say, now that’s more like it. I won’t say who what would be, but some might.

Yin and yang, my friend. Yin and yang.

(I’m sure you can get back in her good graces, Cody. She likes all forms of cash.)


  1. ...and now Cody is going around the house saying, "You married Jesus!"... missed the pig part completely...

    He said the next time we go to Mom and Dad's, he wants to see if he can walk on water. Don't have the net readily available.

  2. What is it with Cody and these toddlers? The twins have a game they play called "Cody Hat" which involves placing various and sundry items like place mats or stuffed animals (or just about anything really) on their heads and yelling CODY HAT! Followed by giggles to the point of rolling on the floor. Repeat with next item and giggle some more.
    Amanda has no explanation. If I ask Maddie and Izzie anything about it... such as "Does Cody wear a hat like that?" They look at each other and giggle even louder and longer.

    aka Nanna

  3. This cracked me up! I was going to mention the "Cody Hat" game too, but my mom beat me to it. Yeah, I don't get it. They put something on their head and yell out "CodyHat!" And laugh uncontrollably. Cody, what is it with you? :)
