Monday, June 8, 2009

Dirt Appeal

Mothers of wee, sweet-smelling baby boys, this is what you have to look forward to:

This picture does not fully do justice to the amount of dirt on my son’s body after digging for an hour. And I digging, I mean filling, dumping, and refilling the Tonka truck that every boy must have in his childhood (I think this was issued to us before we left the hospital). Yes, some girls will exhibit these dirt loving tendencies, but I firmly believe this is a trait hardwired into little boys that comes to the surface in the formative toddler – preschool years. Now, not every boy will wholeheartedly embrace the love of dirt, but most will probably at least test the muddy waters, so to speak, at least dabbling a bit. But some boys (and wives) are lucky enough to have fathers that encourage this behavior, leading to loads and loads of laundry, which said fathers seem to find invisible, and a distinct lack of grass in the backyard, even as said fathers are trying for the 5th year in a row to make grow.

I had to hose this boy off twice just to get him to the point where I could let him inside to actually clean him off.


  1. Well... he could have looked like this:

    Jessica is one of my friends with triplets. Look what her husband let her kids do! :)

  2. Looks to me like Sammy needs lessons from the triplets in how to play in the dirt. They have it down pat. That tonka truck though .... it looks like it had fun.

  3. Boys don't need a lot of toys to be entertained! Looks like a poster child for the all-American boy!...Grandma
