Thursday, March 12, 2009

Subject Matter

New blogging mantra: I will not think that I have nothing to write. I will find something to write, even if I think it’s boring myself. Because every time I have thought that I had nothing to write, something of significant has happened and sent my right to this here spot to complain about it. First, the microwave kicked the bucket and had to buy a new one. Then, I shattered a glass jar of applesauce and had to clean up sticky shards all day. Now, the TV has taken a powder and I’m stuck inside with 2 kids, a forecast of rain for the next however many days, and no sweet temporary, HD relief.

I know - would I like so cheese with that whine. Yes, actually I would. Brie, perhaps. These are tiny irritations, and I have a healthy family (knock wood), etcetera, etcetera. But it’s my site, and I can bellyache if I want to. I’d just like a little less to bellyache about.

(While I’m at it, can I just say it makes me cringe to write a sentence ending in a preposition like that? I hate hate hate it. But it reads stilted to put it improper form. I’m erring on the side of conversational style, I guess.)

Even so, I will not think that I have nothing to write. I will not think that I have nothing to write. I will not think that I have nothing to write.

By the way, my buddy Mark did not call back. I know, shocker. But I did manage to get Andre on the phone, and he was an unbelievable help (his manager is another story). He even informed me that our warranty includes a loaner TV, and you can bet I was up at that store within minutes to pick that baby up. So now all I have to do is wait for the repairman to call. This might be next year for all I know. But I’ve got the store’s TV, so I’m good. I’ll wear that sucker out if I have to.

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